Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rock Climbing Divinely

As I write this, purely without editing, due to my labtop having technical difficulties, I pray this spontaneous post will have some meaning to those who are following me on this blog and that the grammar is not horrific to read through.

This last week, here in Thailand I have spent it on Ko Phi Phi and Railay where there are some of the most beautiful cliffs to climb. Climbing has become a beautiful obsession of mine, ever since i tasted it in Vermont about a decade ago. Back then, I was afraid of the height and the fear of falling and had a hard time trusting my partner who was belaying me ( holding my rope).

SO, when I attempted to climb 10 years later, in Thailand, I came to it, with an open heart, and open mind. My body and mind having evolved, with Yoga and meditation, were ready or so I thought, for this new adventure...

But back on the rope, my body close to the rock, my hands grasping for a hold, tearing in agony as I tried to hold myself up, I became quickly fatigued and fought hard to overcome my mind's weakness. You are your thoughts. It is clearly evident, that mind over matter is true when you are climbing. But, I was lucky, the team below always encouraged me and pulled for me to make it to the top.

As I let go, and stood 75 feet above ground level, I grasped onto life, pure Lila(divine play). I sought for balance of body and mind. I kissed, literally the rocks in front of me. I honored my strength. I became one with the warrior in me.

For the team below, it was just another climb, but for me, it was an ultimate sign of strength, an obstacle I wanted to overcome. A dance against the cliffs, so delicate you could fall at any minute. Fall and confirm the fear, or climb in grasp of hope. I transcended time, anxiety, fear, and moved to love, life and strength.

It dawned on me at this moment that the cliffs that were before me and the act of climbing, were a form of living poetry. A beautiful dance of evolution. So what is the lesson here?
Lesson #1 Face your fears, be open! An open heart equals an open body and mind.

P.S. I can't wait to go again. My hands are now slowly recovering, but my mind is ready. Are you ready to face your fears? Trying taking small steps. Taste your growth! Its delicious!


  1. Awesome, you go girl! Looks like too much fun, wish I was there belaying you.

  2. Love it! As I read your blog I’m feeling like these words could be my own. Your climbing journey is like a mirror of my own diving experience. Connecting the parallels between us as you up into the sky and I go down into water as if it were all the same. Keep on facing those fears its life altering!

  3. Maura Twisted Truth is my evil twin - Hugs Sirena
